April 10, 2014

Thirty Days Project

As you can see from my countdown clock below, there are only thirty days until I graduate law school. I can’t wait. In celebration I’ve decided to write thirty blog posts in thirty days. Most of them will be centered on the law school and things I’ve done while in law school. Others will be things I’ve done outside of law school to help me survive law school.

For day one I’ve decided to highlight my time at EnerDel, Inc. I was fortunate enough to start working there after my 1L year (that’s law school lingo for first year of law school). I worked there part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer after my first summer there. I got to see a lot. Reviewed and drafted a lot of Ks (that’s law school lingo for Contracts). ITAR stuff. Corporate governance. Listened to a lot of phone calls. My favorite part was getting to know the people. One thing I like about working in a company’s legal department, as opposed to a law firm, is being around non-lawyers.

They weren’t in a position to hire me after graduation, so I had to end my run there about a month ago. My boss(es) took me out to lunch with some fellow co-workers. They know that I’m obsessed with burgers so we went to the Tie Die Grill.

 They have the best BBQ Bacon Burger in Indy, so I decided to try that. It was pretty good. It's no Smashburger, but it will do in a pinch.

Karen brought her baby Vivian, who served as our entertainment for the afternoon. She is absolutely adorable.

It was tough to say goodbye, especially to all of the co-workers I've had the privilege of working with there. These are just a few of them.

All in all, it was a great experience. I learned a lot about the corporate legal environment and running a business in general. My boss, Karen, spoiled me by giving me a lot of access to the inner workings of the company. She also helped me network a lot by taking me to lunch with other attorneys and taking me along to CLEs (that’s legal lingo for continuing legal education). All I know is that she set the bar pretty high for my next boss.

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