January 27, 2009

New Year, New Paths

With all of the talk of New Years resolutions lately my mind has been turned towards the past. When most of us think about the past, we are nostalgic for the “good old days.” While it’s important to remember these “good” times, many of us often focus too much on the bad things that we have done in the past. As I have been reflecting on the past year, I realize that I made a lot of mistakes last year and it’s almost overbearing at times to realize how far I have to go to get over my weaknesses. After dwelling on this thought I realized that I don’t have to dwell on them any longer and with my Savior and His Atonement.

I know that Jesus Christ suffered and died not only for my sins, but for my sicknesses, mistakes, and disappointments (see Alma 7:11-12). If I look to him and live, just as the people of Israel did in the wilderness when they suffered an affliction, then I can overcome my mistakes, forget about the past and move forward with my head held high. The problem becomes not thinking that this is just a simple thing that can not help just as some in Israel did look on it because of the easiness of it. It is my goal this year to look to Christ and live. I want Him to be the one to help me forget my past mistakes and lead me throughout 2009. As simple as that may sound, I know ultimately it will be up to me to give my will to Him so he can be my guide.