February 27, 2010

What Would Jimmer Do?

This week has been absolutely crazy. I had two papers due, a ton of reading, a film log due and thank heavens I only had one midterm instead of two (thank you Dr. Hudson who allowed the group one writing group members to take their test next week. That was an answer to a silent prayer), plus work as well. By the time I got to Thursday I was ready for a break/celebration. Coincidently, Jimmer Fredette’s birthday fell on the same day. Needless to say I made a cake to honor that amazing basketball player.

“WWJD,” contrary to popular belief actually stands for What would Jimmer do? So, I had some friends over and we even sang to him, even though he wasn’t here. I’m sure he was here in spirit though. Then we spent the rest of the time visiting with friends. It was a jolly old time! But I think we all could benefit by asking ourselves this question, especially when we are in a tough spot. What would Jimmer Do? He would take the ball and score. We need to do the same when life throws us the basket. Let’s follow Jimmer’s example and when life hands us the basketball, let’s take it to the basket!

February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

So this Valentine’s Day weekend was actually a pretty sociable one for me. Friday night I went with a bunch of friends to see “Valentine’s Day.” It was really good. I was surprised at how funny it actually was. It had a really good plot too. I highly recommend it. Then on Saturday I went the BYU Basketball gave with Savannah. It was kind of boring because we ended up beating Air Force by like forty points (I hope they do better once they get on the battlefield!). Anyway, the highlight was probably when they did the BYU Idol where they have two people sing a song in front of everyone. The first guy was really good. The second guy prefaced his attempt with “I’m Sorry.” He was pretty bad. He didn’t even know the words. But to make up for he unzipped his jacket which revealed an “I hate the U” t-shirt which was awesome. Oh, and I’m found this really cool shirt which I am so tempted to buy.

Then in the evening, we went to our stake dance. It was a lot of fun. Good times with good friends and doughnuts. I’ve got a busy couple of weeks ahead. Hopefully I can get ahead on President’s Day.