April 14, 2014

J. Reuben Clark Law Society

26 days to go. When you look at my picture on this year’s composite picture you will see this:

As you can see I am President of the J. Reuben Clark Law Society. It’s part of a national organization that “affirm[s] the strength brought to the law by a lawyer's personal religious conviction. We strive through public service and professional excellence to promote fairness and virtue founded upon the rule of law.” It’s named after J. Reuben Clark who was a prominent Latter-day Saint attorney. One of his first cases was fighting anti-Japanese discrimination in California. He was also influential in formulating America’s foreign policy with Latin America. He also recognized the importance of everyday Americans making sacrifices for their rights and freedoms that they possess as Americans.

This organization really means a lot to me personally. When I first moved here for law school I was coming from BYU where practically everyone was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I didn’t know anyone here, let alone any members of the Church. At the student org fair I saw the JRCLS table and immediately signed up. I became pretty active in the organization because it was nice to have a core group who held the same beliefs that I did. It has also benefited me professionally as I found my job at EnerDel through my contacts in this organization.

When some of the other student leadership graduated, they asked if I would take over as President for this year. I gladly accepted. We have social gatherings, networking events, panel discussions at the law school and also watch an annual fireside that the national chapter hosts every year. We also do events with the attorney chapter in Indianapolis. I’m really glad that I found this organization and that I will be able to pass on the torch to other students to carry on the legacy of this group that was started in the not too distant past.


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