June 8, 2012

Red + Yellow = Orange

One of the most reassuring pieces of advice that I received at the beginning of the school year was "Don't buy the hype." Law school is pretty much all hype. You have to have good grades in order to get a good job. You have to be involved in all of these extra curricular activities in order to be a strong candidate post-graduation. The biggest hype of all first year was the idea that you had to have some sort of legal writing experience the summer after your first year of law school if you want to get a good job after your second year. All of winter semester I applied for jobs, but never even got one interview. Finally after my last final I got a call for an interview. Needless to say I didn't get it. I even applied for a volunteer position and they didn't want me either. I was really starting to buy the hype. It was really starting to worry me that I didn't have anything for the summer. Then I got an e-mail from a fellow law student and member of the J. Reuben Clark Law Society. It was for a legal internship with a local company that I had never heard of, but I thought I would give it a shot.

A week later, I scheduled a phone interview. It went well enough to get me a second interview over lunch. It was Thai Food. I thought it went well, but at the end the CEO was like "Well, we have to decide if we like you or not." Well, I thought maybe I don't have it. But, later that day I got an offer letter. I'm so grateful this worked out. It was a huge load off of my shoulders. I really don't know what I would have done. Plus, it is a paid position. A sixty-seven percent increase from my last job as a Research Assistant! A college degree really does pay off in the end.

I started last week at EnerDel. They make special types of batteries for hybrid vehicles and as back-ups for energy grid systems. They are pretty neat. My boss is the Assistant General Counsel for the company. Karen is legit. She is good at explaining things and making sure I understand the big picture. She also takes me out to lunch a lot, which means a lot.

I do a lot of random stuff. I help to draft contracts, attend meetings, scan documents, respond to discovery requests and any other random tasks. This week they were moving people from two plants and combining them into one. They decided to hold an orange training  to introduce safety items to both teams as they started working. They decided one team would be red the other yellow. When you bring them together, you get orange. It started at six in the morning. All of the people involved in giving the training were supposed to wear orange. The day before I was responsible for finding orange hats for everyone. The best I could come up with is plastic orange construction hats. It was really fun. The training went pretty well, all things considered.

Frank Sinatra once said that “orange is the happiest color.” I would agree. I'm having the happiest of times at EnerDel. Everyone is really nice and helpful. They are trying to make my experience there a positive one. Plus, I get to enjoy all of the perks of being a part of the legal team!

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