July 14, 2009

“Whatever you shoot be sure it’s Remington”

I spent this past weekend in Western New York visiting one of my best friends and attending the Hill Cumorah Pageant. This week my blog will focus on my trip and adventures with the Steele family. I left on Friday at around 12:30 and hit traffic in Harrisburg and Northern PA. The traffic did give me an opportunity to admire the capitol.

It was a really nice drive. Pennsylvania really is a beautiful state. I was constantly amazed by the beauty of the scenery. Because of traffic the trip took seven hours instead of five. Anyway I got to “the Hill” as the locals call it and got something to eat at the concession stand. Nothing like an Italian Sausage with peppers and onions. Then I met up with Savannah and her friend who were already in costume.

It was pretty impressive. She also got me the best seat in the house: front and center. I was grateful for that because it was pretty crowded. The show was really impressive. I thought that it was going to be not so great, but like most things the Church does it was done really well. I really liked the tree of life scene. It was cool with the water mists and everything.

Then after the show I borrowed Hunter’s cast tags and snuck backstage and attended their nightly devotional. I got to meet some of Savannah’s siblings and her dad, who gave me a big hug. I felt really welcome to say the least. Then we headed over to Zion’s Camp and attended munch and mingle. It was kind of awkward when someone came and asked me my name since I technically wasn’t supposed to be there. The Steele’s straightened it out though and I didn’t get kicked out. After munching on some good snacks, we headed to Bloomfield where the Steele family lives. Remington rode home with Savannah and me. I think that he has the coolest name in the world. “Remington Steele.” We basically just went home and went to bed. I got to sleep on a really comfortable couch. I was pleasantly surprised.

I also learned a lesson that night from the example of a sixteen year old. I went to brush my teeth and I saw Remington reading his scriptures. That really had an impression on me. Even though it was super late he was still taking time for the important things in life. That made me realize that I needed to work on my daily scripture study and prayer. I need to put forth the effort to make it a part of my daily routine. Thanks a lot Rem.

1 comment:

  1. That's so weird to me that you were at my house, and I wasn't even there to help you experience NY! Crazy. I hope you Liked pageant, i sure missed it!
