January 7, 2012

Doggie Doo

I have the cutest 2nd Cousins in the world. I always like to hang out with them whenever I am at home. I went over there and horsed around with them. The highlight was probably playing Doggie Doo. I first saw it on the Letterman Show. I was really excited when my cousin said they got it for Christmas. You feed it this gak like substance and roll the die to see how many times you squeeze the trigger which helps to move the poo along until it comes out.

 I didn't realize that it farted so well. It was a lot of fun. He was constipated and it took it awhile to come out, but it was amazing.

Anyway, it was  a good visit. They are really good kids. I can't wait to visit them again!


  1. So if the gak comes out on your turn, does that mean you won or lost?

  2. The way the game works the person to collect 2 or three doggie doos wins. Who ever thought collecting dog poop could win you something?
