October 13, 2011

The Awful Waffle

My first semester of law school is about sixty percent complete. I had my first mid-term on Friday and it was a real killer. The teacher focused most of the exam on something that we hardly covered in class and everyone was just as stunned as I was when we saw it. Lesson learned about law school exams---expect the unexpected.

Sometime over the summer I realized that I had a fall break. For most of you this may not seem that exciting, but BYU doesn't have a fall or spring break. I decided I needed to celebrate in style. Then in July, Southwest had a super sale and I decided that I would head back to Utah to celebrate my first ever fall break. I left Indiana on Tuesday afternoon and got into SLC that evening. Owen picked me up in his new car and we made the trek down to Provo. I stopped in to say hi to Mike and I also got to see Robert Fujiki which was a lot of fun. I then headed over to Lillie and Long's where I slept. Their couch is one of the most comfortable I have ever slept on.

Wednesday morning I headed up to campus to do some exploring. They completely rearranged the bookstore, which threw me for a loop, but other than that everything was the same. I then headed back to L & L's for some lunch. The Enchilada Casserole was amazing! Thanks Lillie!

Then in the afternoon, I met J-Money on campus. We headed to the Awful Waffle and had some crepes thanks to my Groupon. They were really good. The conversation was better though. It was good to hang out with him for a couple of hours. We both talked about our internships and current events which was a lot of fun. I really miss that kid, but he is doing great with Andrea and they live in Provo's old tandem bike shop, which I think is pretty cool.

Then Mike, Owen and I headed over to Amy's for some of her famous potato soup. It was delicious. We were kind of crashing her dinner group and got to meet some new friends. Denver ( I wonder how he got that name?) was kind enough to take a few photos.

Then we went to The Awful Waffle (that's right twice in one day, but I had been planning to go with Amy and it was so good I couldn't resist). It was really good. I had a Belgian Waffle this time along with a variety of crepes. I decided to go with the same toppings that I had when I was in Belgium. They were pretty much the same. I was impressed. If you are in Provo you should definitely check this place out. It's legit!


  1. love it! and... I think I know how Denver got that name. Cancun... hahahahaa So glad you're here!

  2. At least his name wasn't Cinemark or Zoo.
