I'm graduating in April and my parents want to milk that for everything that its worth. "We only get to do this once is their mantra. So we have invitations, party, etc. One of the conditions of me graduating was that I had to get pictures of myself. I really hate having pictures taken of myself, but the sometimes we have to sacrifice, especially for parents who are proud of their only child. Well, I didn't really know where to go to get pictures taken, but I did have a friend (a former FHE Sister) who takes pictures while she is studying photography at UVU. I had seen here work on her website and decided that she would probably be my best bet. So we went around campus and took some pictures both inside and outside. I thought she did an excellent job.
This is inside the JFSB on campus. They have some really neat staircases and windows there:
These were taken along the newly renovated path South of Campus:
These were taken at the Maeser Building on campus. It's one of the oldest buildings on campus:
I really don't have any excuse for not blogging since January. I only had one real class this semester, but I am somehow able to fill up my time. Skiing class went really well. I still haven't conquered the black diamonds, but I'm sure I'll get there one day. It was a lot of fun though. Other than school and work, I've just been enjoying my last semester at BYU. It was fun to watch Jimmer and the basketball team make it to the Sweet Sixteen. It was a tough loss, but at least they did not get blown out like Duke did. For Lent, I decided to give up Facebook. I know I'm not Catholic, but I think giving up something for forty days is a really good idea. I was spending way too much time on Facebook and decided I needed a detox from it. It's been about three weeks almost and I'm still Facebook free.
The highlight of my two months came over the weekend of March 19th. It has been a childhood dream of mine to go to California. I don't really know why. Maybe it was Hollywood, maybe it was something else, but I have always wanted to go, but it seems like something always comes up. I was supposed to go last summer, but then my mom had back troubles. I was supposed to go to San Francisco over President's Day weekend, but the weather didn't cooperate. Well, this past weekend, my dreams became a reality. I went with my friends Lillie and Lauren. Lillie is from Southern California, so it worked out perfectly. We left on Thursday afternoon and made the journey down I-15. I was really happy when I made my first step onto California soil.
We got to Lillie's house around 11. We got to hang around with her mom which was a lot of fun. In the morning we woke up and went with Lillie to get her BCP. Then we headed to the beach, Newport Beach to be exact. It was beautiful. The water was cold, but we had a lot of fun.
The Girls enjoying their grapefruit!
Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up!
Put simply, all of the white people got burnt. After we spent forever long in traffic going back to Lillie's house, I got a shower and while the girls were at a bridal shower I relaxed by watching some basketball. Then on Saturday we went to Hollywood. That really made the trip for me.
They even had an anti-war parade in my honor.
For lunch I went to Pinks. It's a famous hot dog joint where all of the celebrities go. It is really popular. I had to wait like forty minutes for my hot dog. I go a Mulholland Drive Dog. It had bacon, grilled onions and mushrooms and nacho cheese. So good. Well worth the wait.
After that, we stopped by the Temple in L.A. That was really beautiful as well. It was really massive. Then we went to the Santa Monica Pier. Talk about beautiful. The coast is so amazing. A really nice town. We walked out on the Pier and we road the bumper cars, which was a lot of fun.
After that, we went to Diddy Reise. It's this make your own ice cream sandwich place. It was really good and inexpensive, which was nice for a change. Then we eventually headed back to Lillie's house. The next day we just kind of hung out and then that evening we started the trek back to Provo. I drove the whole way. It was so nice to drive again. We got back around 5:30. We made really good time. So much fun to drive on highways where the speed limit is 80! It was an awesome trip. Everything I thought it would be. Honestly, California is an amazing place. The only thing I don't like is the traffic. There is always traffic.
Then, today, BYU got a special visit from Mark Zuckerberg. For those of you who aren't familiar with him, he is the founder of Facebook. He did a forum with Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah. He spent a whole hour answering questions that students had submitted on BYU's Facebook page. I thought he did a really good job. I got a completely different feeling about the type of person he is than I did from The Social Network. He is a really down to earth guy and is really trying to help people through Facebook. This clip is him talking about how Facebook and Social Networking are changing the world.