November 30, 2009

The Holy War 2009

The end of the football season means war in Utah. HOLY WAR that is. The rivalry between the University of Utah and BYU is like no other. There are so many competition it is not even funny. Blood drives, food drives, even ice cream eating competitions. It’s nice to know that even with all the bitter feelings some good things come out of it all. The battle began at three in the afternoon. There was even a U of U fan that dressed up as the Pope, which I thought was actually pretty creative. Anyway, it was a hard fought battle till the bitter end. We had this cool guy sitting in front of us giving us commentary the whole time. The best was when he announced that it was time for the Cougars to stick a dagger into the hearts of our fellow Utes. Figuratively speaking of course. In what was looking to be a repeat of our Freshmen Year, when the Cougars lost to the Utes in overtime, the dagger finally came on a pass to number 88, who ran it into the end zone in overtime to secure a victory for the Cougars.

At the end, all of the fans joined in the spoils of victory. It was so intense. I have never seen a field stormed before in person. It was pretty cool A momentous occasion and victory for BYU. I will certainly never forget it and neither will the Utes.

Max Hall continued the battle off of the field. He wasn’t shy about his feelings concerning the Utes. “I don't like Utah. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their program, I hate their fans, I hate everything. So it felt really good to send those guys home," Hall continued. "They didn't deserve it. It was our turn, and our turn to win. We deserved it. We played as hard as we could tonight. And it felt really good, again, to send them home, to get them out of here, and so it is a game I will always remember. I think the whole university, their fans and their organization is classless. They threw beer on my family and stuff last year, and they did a whole bunch of nasty things, and I don't respect them, and they deserved to lose.” All I have to say is that if the shoe fits wear it.

November 26, 2009

Buns and Pies of Steele

My roommate Steven and I decided that we would have our own Thanksgiving this year because he got a free turkey from NuSkin. I pretty much knew how to make everything except the pies and the most important part of the Thanksgiving meal: the rolls. At least that is what my mom says is the most important part of the meal. So I recruited the help of my friend to help me make rolls for our feast. When I say help, i mean handing Savannah Steele the ingredients so she could make them. She did a really fine job too.

The pies went well too. They now make a pie ready pumpkin stuff which makes making pumpkin pie a lot more easier and it is gluten free for all of you people with celiac disease out there (1 in 133 people are born with it).

We made Pumpkin and Pecan Pies. Notice the foil covering which I thought were really amazing considering I was trying to get strips to put around the edges. The baked really nicely and the crusts did not burn!

Anyway it was a fun evening and Thanksgiving should be great tomorrow as well. Some people from the ward are going to join us and so is my cousin from Maryland so it should be a really fun day. I can't wait.

November 20, 2009

What Do Ya Know Joe---It’s Your Birthday

Today is a very special day. It is our Vice President’s Birthday. He was born on this day in 1942. We have been blessed with Joe Biden’s existence ever since. So in honor of the first Delawarean (or is he a Pennsylvanian?) to become Vice President I decided we should celebrate with the top five Joe Biden moments.

Number Five---Barack and Joe’s Berretta. I like the fact how Joe is essentially threatening violence against the future president.

Number Four---He knows where Bin Laden is. If he knows why haven’t we captured him?

Number Three--- JOBS! That Three Letter Word!

Number Two—Oh Thank Heaven For Seven Eleven. You know that if a Republican would have said this there would have been hell to pay.

Drumroll Please----The Number One Joe Biden moment of all time…Why don’t we have Chuck stand up and tell us what it is.

Happy Birthday Joe! Here is to many more great moments!