October 21, 2009

This Made My Day

This week has been really hectic. The school work just keeps on coming. I did take a break on Friday to go to my “sister’s” wedding reception. Now I know what you’re thinking: How can he have a sister if he is an only child? Well it was my adopted mission sister who was in my MTC group, Sister Call. She is one of the most amazing people on the earth. I don’t think I would have survived my mission without her. She is the only sister I have. I was so glad I was able to go. That was only possible because of one person: Savannah Steele! I’m so grateful that she gave me a ride to the reception which was in Alpine. That meant so much to me. I would definitely say that she is one of my “sweetest” friends, which is appropriate because October 17th is Sweetest Day. Thanks again Savannah!

On Saturday I spent close to 11 hours in the library. It should be illegal to be in the library for that long in one day. At any rate, I got done what I needed to get done. Just when you think you are over the hump, the humps just keep coming, but the semester is half over. Because of this stress, I have been finding things to be a lot funnier than maybe they actually are. This definitely made my day today. I mean, I knew about the Sacred Obama Candles, the Obama Bobbles and the B. Hussein Obama toilet paper (we're going to need that to wipe up the mess he has made), but when I saw the Obama Sushi I busted out in laughter.

It gave me the best laugh I’ve had in a while. I think it’s ironic that the word sushi, according to Wikipedia, means “it’s sour,” which I think is a proper term, fitting of our President.


  1. I swear I commented on this last night... But whatever. My internet is super-cool and my computer is a dinosaur. So there. Anyway...I pretty much said something along the lines of, "HOLY COW! WHY DID YOU LINK TO MY BLOG! NOW I'M GOING TO BE FAMOUS! And I had fun at the reception. And Obama sushi makes me laugh - it's fantastic!"...Something like that.

    Also, I love Sweetest Day. It's pretty much my new favorite holiday. Or not...

  2. Its good to see you on my blog Ferg! Hope life if treating you well?

    cannon bacsi
