April 29, 2009
So Long, Farwell, Aufwiedersehen, Goodbye
Today marks the end of Obama’s first one hundred days in office. Thank goodness they are over. I honestly never thought that one person could screw up the country as much as he and the democratically controlled Congress have. Where to begin. Many of his cabinet posts are apparently unpatriotic because they don’t pay their taxes. Funny how they will gladly spend our money, but not their own money. The White House, under President Obama’s order decided that they would oversee the census rather then the commerce department, Gee, I wonder which states will have gains in congressional representation? He has signed an order to shut down Guantanamo Bay where terrorists are being held. I hope he releases all of the injured ones that we have nursed back to health so they can go back on the front lines and fight our troops even better than they did before. The "War on Terror" and "enemy combatants" are now nonexistent. The current budget (with the new health care proposal set to be passed tomorrow) will increase the deficit under President Obama to be greater than the deficit of the last 43 Presidents combined. Borrowed money is not free. The stimulus package has failed to work. Maybe that’s because it wasn’t a stimulus package, instead it funded the left-wing agenda including contraception programs and ultimate frisbee parks.
Obama has also become dependent on the teleprompter. Without that, he is nothing.
We have seen flip flopping on the issue of prosecuting former government officials for their role in the torturing of prisoners. First he wasn’t, then he was and now who know where he stands.
He also bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia and had a powwow with Hugo Chavez.
He also has made fun of handicapped people and their bowling abilities. I think the Special Olympian was right. He could beat the President any day of the week.
We have also seen the breaking of campaign promises. He has appointed lobbyists to positions in his administration. He continued to allow out of control pork in the budget. He has thrown bipartisanship out of the window. He offered hope, but has used fear tactics to get the things he feels are important passed. I can only imagine what the next one-hundred years will bring. Socialized Health Care? Patriotic Tax Increases? Kissing up to Osama bin Laden?
In other news, Obama received a gift from Arlen Specter on Tuesday when he announced he would become a Democrat. Most Republicans were disappointed and rightly so considering it was the Republicans that put him in office. We put him in to represent our values and ideals. He has sold us out for his own ambitions. He is such a sissy. He is so afraid of losing, that he switched parties. I personally am happy. Whenever we have truly needed him (Stimulus Package, Judicial Nominees, etc.) he has always sold us out. To him I say “Good Riddance You Liberal Twit.” I hope Patrick Toomey kicks his butt come 2010. At least now we actually know he really was a Democrat and a Republican in name only.
So "The Chosen One" has failed us. This only goes to show what happens when people put their trust in the arm of flesh.The good news is that the Republicans don’t have to put up with Senator Specter anymore and there are only 1362 days left in President Obama’s presidency. Until then, to quote Usher "We got it, we got it bad."
April 23, 2009
Out With The Old and In With The New
The semester ended with bang today as I got to party with all of my Magyar friends and I also took my last final which consisted of me writing nonstop for two hours and still not being able to complete the length requirements. Here is to hoping that my teacher will be lenient in grading.
The reason for this post is two fold. First it is to say goodbye to the old. Previously this blog dealt exclusively with religious themes. This blog started as an assignment in my New Testament class. The class has ended and I've decided to stop the religious themes for awhile and go to more "non-spiritual" posts. I hope that you will continue to find the posts entertaining. It will be harder to think of something to write, but I will try my best.
The second reason for this post is to say goodbye to my roommates. They are all leaving me for the semester. Owen is off to Spain and then who knows where. Mike is going back to "where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain." Adam is going back to Washington to work it up over the summer. I will be getting all new roommates for the spring. That is going to be an experience for sure. My mind is being flooded with all sorts of memories that we have had this year. Trips to YoZone and Babis 'R Us. The thumping from RockBand at all hours of the night. LOST. Our very own Thanksgiving. Seeing Bun Foo in his musical debut. The Passover. Going to Conference.Pumpkin Carving. Oreo Truffles. It has been one fun-filled year that is coming to an end. I guess the point of this all is to say that I am going to miss them.
So as we say goodbye to the old, here is to the new. The new semester. The new roommates. The new experiences. Here is to a great summer everyone!
April 12, 2009
He is Risen
Today the Christian world celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is when Jesus overcame death and rose from the dead. This made it possible for all mankind to overcome death as well. We too will be resurrected after our death. Christ's resurrection gives us all so much hope. We will be able to be with our loved ones again after we die. The Easter holiday also offers us hope because we remember when Jesus suffered for our sins so we don't have to. He "walked the road alone" so we don't have to walk it alone. This video by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explains this concept very well. Christ will be there every step of the way to help us through our trials. Let us all remember this not only on this Easter Sunday, but everyday of the year. Happy Easter!
April 5, 2009
Come Listen To a Prophet's Voice
Twice a year, in April and October, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gather together for a two-day General Conference. This is when the leaders of the Church speak from the
On the way back from the
April 1, 2009
Eternal Love
Excellent news from Apartment #67 at the Riviera today. G. Michael Eddington asked his girlfriend Debra to marry him and she said yes. They make such a lovely couple. I was so excited when I found out on Facebook this morning that I just had to dedicate space to them on my blog. Hope you enjoy the pic (This is an idea for the wedding announcement!!) Congratulations again Mike. You two will be so happy together!!