Every year in September I like to write a little bit about the books that I read over the Summer as that is really the only time that I have time to read anything for fun.
This book was about the 2008 Primary Battles and Election. Even though the HBO movie was mostly about Sarah Palin and John McCain, the book actually spends more time around Obama and Clinton. The authors never talked to the individuals themselves, but just kind of pieced everything together from everyone's advisors. I thought it was interesting to say the least. Anyone who believes that Hillary and Obama like each other should read this book. I don't think there is anyway that that is possible. They really put each other through a lot. If you are into politics this book is for you.
I really liked the movie, so I decided to give the book a try. Honestly, I think I liked the movie better. It was a good read, don't get me wrong, but I just really liked the movie. I thought the book did a good job at giving better insights as to why Tiffany acted the way she did. So, in that respect the book was very helpful. Still worth your time though.
I'm a huge Dan Brown fan. I was excited when it was announced that he had a new book coming out. In this one, he really returns to a Da Vinci Code type story involving art and clues. I thought it was good. The ending was a little ridiculous, but it is a novel after all. The thing I like about Dan Brown is that it is always an easy and interesting read. He keeps his chapters relatively short which allows you to pick up this book anytime and read.
I love everything by Ann Coulter. She does a great job at explaining conservative philosophy. She's a pundit and sometimes exaggerates, but she still makes really good points. In this one, she looks at a French Philosopher's take on mobs and how they rule. She bascially calls liberals a bunch of mobsters in the way they pursue their political strategies. She is spot on!
This was one of the more academic books I read this summer. Great take on how feminism is really affecting men as well. Don't get me wrong--I'm all about women's rights. I think it needs to be a movement of equality and not men squashing women. This is a really great take on the impact that it is having on men. I don't want to spoil it, but this book is definitely worth your time!