Going Rogue---Sarah Palin

This is essentially Sarah Palin’s autobiography. I thought that it was really well done. It gave a lot of her background, especially as governor of Alaska that didn’t come out on the Campaign Trail. There are two sides to every story, and I think that if you give her a chance to tell her side about all of the drama that took place during the Campaign, you’ll be surprised about how poorly she was treated by the McCain campaign. It is definitely worth your time.
Enough---Juan Williams
This was probably my favorite book of the summer. It is a book about the state of African Americans in America. It came about as a result of a speech Bill Cosby gave at an NAACP event paying tribute to the Brown v. Board of Education ruling by the Supreme Court. It is essentially a call to arms for the African Americans to work to change their current situation in America. I agree whole heartedly with all of his points. It’s awesome! A must read!
How to Save America: A Tactical Guide For Practical Patriots---A.E. Duzett

This is a book by someone who was in my Freshman Academy Group my first year at BYU. This is an excellent guide on how to get involved politically in practical ways that everyone can do. The tips she gives are so great. Most are simple things that the normal person would never think of being effective in influencing policy, but the ideas that she presents are good ways to get involved and have influence in the public arena. It is worth your time! It’s available on Amazon!
The last think I’ll mention here is not something I read, but rather something I wrote that you should all check out. I had a National Security Strategies class last winter semester and had to write a paper on a topic of my choice. I decided to write about Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) in Central Europe. The professor (one of the top one hundred global thinkers in the world) liked it so much she invited me to submit it for publication in an online journal. Needless to say it was published and you can read it here. One of the reviewers commented that “this paper is the best of three papers I have read on the subject of BMD. It is very well organized and well reasoned. It evidences independent thought without over reliance on quotations from secondary literature.” I think it’s worth your time to learn something about BMD. Enjoy!