July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday America

I’m a big fan of America. I think it really is the greatest country in the world. I normally do a low key celebration with the Family, but this year I was in Provo and decided to live it up! Friday it started with some Thai food in honor of Steven’s friend Echoe coming into town. It was way good, especially for my first time trying Thai food. I was pleasantly surprised.

Then that evening I had my first blind date ever. We went bowling, which was fun. My bowling class is paying off. I won and was the only person to score above 100. Bowling is so much fun. It was an interesting experience to say the least. Then Saturday, I did some homework in the morning. In the afternoon, a group of us got together and went up to the Canyon to make foil dinners. They were so good. The weather was perfect. The food was so delicious. The company was great too.

In the evening, we went up on the mountain to watch the fireworks. It was really cool because you could see a lot of the fireworks being set off over the whole valley. It was a really good day. I’m so glad to be an American. The good news is that there is still another day left of the holiday weekend. I think I’m going to infinity and beyond tomorrow!