California is widely known as the land of fruits and nuts, but over the past two weeks California has been standing up for what is right. So props to you California.
First of all Californians overwhelmingly voted against the government’s propositions that included increasing the state’s rainy day fund, which would have at the same time increased taxes across the board. They also vote against taking money from mental health programs to pay down the debt. The lottery modernization project was also voted down. Californians decided they didn’t want to take a gamble with the future success of their state. They did however approve a measure which prohibits legislators and the governor from giving themselves raises when there is a deficit. Essentially the citizens of California spoke up and said enough is enough. They are fed up of people who spend too much and just look to tax hikes to solve the problem. They were tired of being taken advantage of and decided to speak up. I hope they continue to voice their opposition and I also hope that other citizens in other states will follow their example.
Then this week the California Supreme upheld the results of Proposition 8, which prohibits same-sex marriage. The court ruled in a 6-1 decision that the people were sovereign and the proposition “carves out a narrow and limited exception to these state constitutional rights, reserving the official designation of the term ‘marriage’ for the union of opposite-sex couples as a matter of state constitutional law.” Instead ignoring the people and the laws that they created, the justices accepted the voice of the people, as it should be in every case. This probably isn’t the end of the same-sex marriage debate, but for now it is a victory.
Anyway, that brings me to the best news of the week concerning California. My family and I were planning to vacation in California this June. My mom had some back problems and the trip was in Jeopardy depending on when here surgery would be. Good news. My childhood dream is going to come true. My mom’s surgery is not going to affect our trip so…California, Here We Come!
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